Hands-on equity training for your business or organization

Thank you for your interest in Let's Get Equitable! Registration closed on Sep 1, 2023. For information on how to join this or future cohorts, please reach out to gina@hubottawa.org.

You've listened, you've learned, and you're ready to build lasting change in your business or organization.
This fall, join a unique virtual learning journey that'll equip you with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on support you need to make your equity goals a reality.
Structural change doesn't happen overnight.
Delivered in partnership with Quakelab, Let's Get Equitable gives you the knowledge, tools and support needed to design products, services, policies, and procedures that reduce barriers and create lasting change in your organization.
Join in to learn what 'equity, diversity and inclusion' actually mean for your business or organization. Deepen your understanding of where equity challenges come from, and learn practical strategies to address them from industry experts in diverse fields.

Who is this for?
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a non-profit leader, an intrapreneur, or a budding change-maker, you're welcome to join the workout!
This virtual workshop series is suited for people of all experience levels who are looking to strengthen their equity muscles in one or more of these four areas:
- Service and product design;
- Impact measurement and reporting;
- Leadership and human resources; and
- Marketing and communications.
Grab your best spandex and our coaches will help you get to work. No lycra? No problem. All you need for this sweat session is a commitment to learning and taking action on equity and access in your enterprise.
What will you learn?
In this three-part learning journey, you'll work with peers and industry leaders to deepen your understanding of structural oppression and build skills to identify and co-design lasting solutions in your business or organization.
Part 1: Build
Kick-off | September 8, 9-10:30 (Times in EST)
Strengthen your foundation: what does equity actually mean? How do equity challenges show up in the workplace, and what is structural change, anyway?
Join this kick-off session to learn what to expect in the program, and get a refresher on the basics of equity. We help you cut through the jargon so you're ready to jump into your focus area with confidence.
Part 2: Flex
Product & Service Design | Sep 12, 4-7
Impact Measurement & Reporting | Sep 13, 9-12
Leadership & Human Resources | Sep 19, 4-7
Communications & Marketing | Sep 20, 9-12
Learn the ropes: Choose a learning stream and hear from industry experts about how they identified and tackled equity challenges in their businesses and organizations.
You'll leave with a clear understanding of how to identify barriers to inclusion and access in your own work.
Part 3: Tone
Product & Service Design | Oct 3, 4-7
Impact Measurement & Reporting | Oct 4, 9-12
Leadership & Human Resources | Oct 10, 4-7
Communications & Marketing | Oct 11, 9-12
Put it all together: With tailored coaching from experts in your focus area, you'll start co-creating products, services, policies, and practices that reduce barriers and create lasting structural change in your business or organization.
Train with the best!
Using design thinking frameworks and results-based management, QuakeLab's team will help you position diversity, equity, justice and inclusion as a functional and integrated part of your business or organization.

Industry leaders in each of the four streams will share their experiences and guide you through the practical steps required to identify and take action on structural barriers in your work.
Product & Service Design
Impact Measurement & Reporting
Leadership & Human Resources
Communications & Marketing