How well does Canada’s national SDG strategy involve all Canadians?
The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an ambitious 15-year plan intended to end poverty globally, tackle inequalities of all kinds, and fight climate change. With just over a decade left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Canada has put together an interim strategy towards achieving the goals nationwide.
The UN’s 2030 Agenda is comprised of a whopping 17 Sustainable Development Goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators to track progress towards a more peaceful, inclusive, and prosperous world, with a strong focus on bringing the Agenda’s 17 goals to life by 2030. Together, the SDGs provide a common framework for all countries to recognize and make progress on social, environmental, and economic challenges in an interlinked and indivisible way. In 2015, alongside 193 other United Nations (UN) Member States, Canada adopted the SDGs, also known as Agenda 2030.
In the four years that have since passed, the Government of Canada has made notable strides towards the SDGs, including setting up data hubs to track Canada’s progress, completing a voluntary national review, and engaging 2,500 Canadians across the country to inform a national, whole-of-society SDG strategy.
The Government of Canada has now released a draft of this national strategy, Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda, in which it proposes 30 actions for stakeholders across Canada to take to achieve the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.
A key differentiator of the UN’s Agenda 2030 from its predecessor — the Millenium Development Goals, eight global goals that wrapped in 2015 — is their recognition that success will require participation from all countries. In that same vein, Canada’s draft national strategy equally recognized a few key stakeholders in the country’s 30 actions.
See full analysis at Future of Good to find out who those stakeholders are, how they’ve been included in Canada’s national strategy, and how we can push further for more participation on the SDGs.
HEADER IMAGE SOURCE: https://canada2030agenda.ca/